Neptune in Pisces
Displays of compassion

With Neptune in Pisces, its natural ruler it will be interesting to see how the energy plays out in the world. Neptune briefly enters the sign of Pisces on 5 April 2011 to 5 August 2011 allowing us some time to get a taste of the energy before it settles there for the next 14 years. Neptune re-enter Pisces on 4 February 2012 and stays there until around March 2025 – just as Neptune begins to enter Aries.

I wonder if people may be more in tune with their psychic abilities. The energy encourages us go within and get in touch with our spiritual side. We have been conditioned to buy lots of stuff we don’t really need. Sometimes we forget the simple things in life are really the most important.

Already we have had plenty of natural disasters including floods in Australia, earthquakes in New Zealand and Japan as well as the tsunami.

We have also witnessed how generous people have been – it is a shame that we sometimes have to encounter tragedies to witness the generosity from others.

To find out where Neptune is transiting in your chart click on the link below to discover how you can take advantage of this Neptune transit.

Neptune in Pisces to Neptune HouseTransit

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